Wednesday, November 11, 2015

EPO -- Watashi ni Tsuite (私について)

Strangely enough, it was through this EPO song that I discovered Shizuka Kudo's(工藤静香)song of the same title the other night. Kudo's "Watashi ni Tsuite" and EPO's "Watashi ni Tsuite" (About Me) are completely different, though. Unlike the mystery and intrigue involved in Kudo's song, the EPO-penned "Watashi ni Tsuite" is absolutely straight happy-go-lucky pop about a young lady reminiscing about her times as a gawky teen and then as a young adult. Starting off with a riff that sounds like it was lifted off an American 70s pop tune, it quickly drives into the familiar EPO jauntiness and harmonies.

And coincidentally, the song, though it never came out as a single, was placed in her 7th album from March 1985 "Harmony". I don't have that album...yet...but I do remember it for that rather weird cover of the lady herself. Nice legs, though.

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