Tuesday, November 17, 2015

TUBE -- Sayonara Yesterday (さよならイエスタデイ)

Heck of a time to put up a TUBE song since my city is going down to a 7-degree Celsius low tonight. Well, that's not too bad for a November night...far colder evenings to come, of course. But in any case, I wanted to put up something a little spicier for a Tuesday evening so here is "Sayonara Yesterday" from July 1991.

Written by vocalist Nobuteru Maeda(前田亘輝)and composed by guitarist Michiya Haruhata(春畑道哉), "Sayonara Yesterday" is actually told from the woman's point of view as she looks back on what sounded like a brief but torrid relationship that is now firmly in the past. And considering Haruhata's melody, it looks like it took place somewhere very warm.

The song also has a bit more of a personal connection since it was one of the last CDs I purchased before finishing up my stint on the JET Programme in that year. And although there was no romance involved, I ended up going through some torrid weather as I toured around southern Japan before heading back home.

The song was called "Sayonara Yesterday" but it was definitely "Hello Happy Days" for the band since from this time forward, every TUBE single released up to 1994 sold in excess of half a million copies. It didn't get onto an original album but it was included on their the second of their BEST albums, "TUBEst II" which came out in 1996. The single itself peaked at No. 3 on Oricon and was the 15th-ranked single for 1991.

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