Friday, December 18, 2015

Bed In -- C Chou Venus! (C調び~なす!)

We all know how it’s usual for aidoru acts to pay homage to the Golden Era of Aidoru, but Bed In’s (ベッド・イン) gimmick, on the contrary, relies on reviving the bubble era nightclub-focused trend of the early 90s. And this unusual aidoru duo (by the way, Kaori [益子寺かおり] is the long-haired girl, while Mai [中尊寺まい] is the one with short hair) came up with all the extravaganza, sexiness and decay that represents the era so well.

Music-wise, “C Chou Venus!” is an epic guitar-centric dance song with a couple of Eurobeat elements thrown here and there (the steady bass line and the “uh” samples). It could have been a purer Eurobeat song, but I liked how the guitar was incorporated... and it also helps that the cute and sexy Mai, alongside her generous yellow dress, is the duo’s official guitarist.

If the wild music wasn’t enough, we are gifted with an amazing video full of sexy shots, ridiculous moments, para para dance, early 90s fashion, weird supporting characters and very, very dubious special effects (from lasers coming out of Kaori’s mouth to bad CG fire). In the end, I just hope they continue to release nice songs and amazing videos like this one.

All in all, I just loved this sexy and trashy extravaganza. It was certainly my favorite video of the year. Period.

“C Chou Venus!” was released as a single in November 2015.


1 comment:

  1. Hello, Marcos.

    Wow! Just wow! Visions of Julianas just started dancing in my head after watching and listening to this one. The lady to the left especially struck me as being the quintessential dancing queen on the tachidai stage. Not sure if there is anything like Julianas in Tokyo anymore in the Big Sushi.


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