Thursday, January 14, 2016

Kahoru Kohiruimaki -- Wild Generation

Well, it's been a wild day and not in a good way. The hot water pipe burst above our condo which flooded our kitchen and some small parts of the living room with plenty of ceiling stains. So, along with my translation work, I spent over an hour sloshing and squeezing plenty of towels trying to mop up the mess. And currently, there are four huge industrial fans and one mighty dehumidifier airing things out for the next few days. Nope, not a good day.

So, I've come to the blog with a bigger need for solace than usual. Happily, I was able to track down this video uploaded by Kahoru Kohiruimaki (小比類巻かほる...or more likely, one of her representatives) for her 1989 song, "Wild Generation". It didn't exist when I wrote the article about the album that it spearheaded, "Time The Motion", so I was quite glad to finally find it (it also has one of my favourites by her, "Dreamer"). Created by the usual tandem of Kohhy and Yoshiaki Ohuchi(大内義昭), it starts a bit slowly before things get moving with the happy and cool R&B and those tight horns. After the events of today, I could use a good cup of Kohhy.

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