Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Satoko Shimonari -- Ame (雨)

Still nice to discover new faces out there in kayo-land. On YouTube the other day, I saw a video featuring a singer by the name of Satoko Shimonari(下成佐登子)and discovered that there were quite a few of her songs online so I sampled them. So far, the one that I've liked for a first-timer is "Ame" (Rain) which was her 2nd single from May 1979.

Miyuki Suga or Kan (菅美雪) wrote and composed "Ame" for Shimonari, and just from the title and overall melody, I got the impression that it was another song of lost love. However, the thing that sparked my interest was the observation that she sounded somewhat like Junko Yagami (八神純子) handling the mellow ballads of Ruiko Kurahashi (倉橋ルイ子). Since I like both singers, I think I would be quite interested in hearing some more of Shimonari.

According to her J-Wiki article, Shimonari is a native of Miyazaki Prefecture who has not only tackled the pop genre but also provided theme songs for anime. She started her singing career in 1978 and has released 19 singles up to 2015 with 6 albums including 2 BEST compilations.

Will not be getting rain tomorrow...more like sleet.

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