Saturday, July 9, 2016

EPO -- Harmony (ハーモニー)

Another warm but seasonable day in the GTA. I still need the fan in the room but at least I'm not my own humidifier as I was a few days ago.

Time to bring in another EPO tune in here with "Harmony" which was the title track from her 7th album released in March 1985. This could have been a pretty decent acapella with just EPO-chan and the backing chorus but it is nice with that subtle bossa nova arrangement. Not to say that this is the best multi-part harmony song I've ever heard but EPO still hasn't let me down with this ballad about what seems to be a request to bring things back to what they were with a couple. The singer took care of music and lyrics.

I have yet to pick up the album "Harmony" and just to see the lass herself in that short, short teddy on the cover is enough to plunk down my yen. Let us see what Xmas brings. I actually first heard it on one of her BEST compilations that I picked up some years ago.

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