Thursday, August 18, 2016

TRF -- See the Sky~1999...Tsuki ga Chikyuu ni KISS wo suru (月が地球にKISSをする)

Wow! I look at the above video and I feel the aging process. It was the best of times and the Komuro of in the Komuro Boom of the mid-1990s when the unassuming Tetsuya Komuro(小室哲哉)and his singers managed to steamroller a lot of J-Pop into submission, if only for a few years.

Again, TRF was one of those Komuro units that got my attention early in my time in Ichikawa. A few of their songs had already got me hooked on them and then I ended up getting a couple of their albums, "Billionaire" and "dAnce to positive". With that latter album, the first full track was "See the Sky ~ 1999...Tsuki ga Chikyuu ni KISS wo suru" (The Moon Kisses the Earth...and I hope that was meant in the purely poetic sense; I would like us to be around a bit longer), an explosive start to the album.

It looks like TRF and Komuro wanted to hit the ground running with "See the Sky" with all guns a-blazing. In the footage above, which I remember seeing live on TV, everyone was just partying away like it was 1999 (all due respect to the late Prince) so I kinda wonder if this had been shown during the Holidays. For some reason, it just had that year-end decadence feeling. And when I was listening to the song on the CD, I just thought that this could have been an opening theme song for a particularly action-packed cop show. The way that the song rolls out could have been well-matched with a opening credits montage sequence just like in the old "Mission: Impossible" series. And those English lyrics by Komuro seem as if he played the word association game a bit better than most lyricists at the time.

I don't remember much of Yuki Uchida's(内田有紀)singing career although I was aware that she was a member of the Komuro gang. However, thanks to the footage, I will always remember her as being a part of the performance for "See the Sky" even though it remains solidly in the TRF discography. I had been wondering what she was doing lately but then she did pop up in the last couple of "Odoru Dai Sosasen"(踊る大捜査線)movies as one of the later regular members.

There were a couple of other tracks on "dAnce to positive" that I have already written about: "Masquerade" and "Crazy Gonna Crazy".

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