Thursday, October 13, 2016

Michiko Maki -- Kuchizuke no Aki (くちづけの秋)

The more I listen to the songs of Michiko Maki(牧美智子), the more I think she was one of the unsung and underrated singers of the 1970s. She apparently doesn't even merit her own J-Wiki entry.

I listened to her 2nd single from October 1974, "Kuchizuke no Aki" (Autumn Kiss). There is a rich layer of lush strings and harp, and so when paired with that crystalline voice of hers, I wonder what she could have done with covers of some of those Disney classics. And the way that her vocals tip toe across the lyrics by Kazue Senke(千家和也), I also think that Maki may have had a past in ballet. The lovely kayo melody was composed by Daisuke Inoue(井上大輔)under his real name of Tadao Inoue(井上忠夫).

"Kuchizuke no Aki" was also the title track for her first album which came out in the same year as the single.

Courtesy of

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