Friday, October 7, 2016

Misato Watanabe -- Naichaisoudayo (泣いちゃいそうだよ)

At this point, I think it's the Texas Rangers and their fans who may be naichaisoudayo right now after losing a second straight game to the Blue Jays in one of the American League Division Series. I've gotta say that I am one of the guy eating a bit of Blue Jay crow right now since I had some big doubts about them even getting into the playoffs due to a lousy wheels-coming-off-the-wagon September but they are currently just one win away from getting into the American League Championships.

Now, as for the song "Naichaisoudayo" (Feel Like Crying), that was Misato Watanabe's(渡辺美里)23rd single from June 1992. Instead of the usual happy-as-all-get-out girl power songs, this one is a relaxing soulful ballad combining Watanabe's lyrics and J-funkster Yasuyuki Okamura's(岡村靖幸)music. The link above unfortunately doesn't have the full song but I still love the arrangement with those sharp horns. Of course, there are those wonderful Watanabe vocal cords as well.

The first evidence of "Naichaisoudayo" on an album is as a track on her self-cover release "Hello, Lovers" which was released a month after the single. It hit No. 1 on the album charts and ended up as the 22nd-ranked album for 1992.

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