Saturday, October 15, 2016

StylipS -- Junsui na Fujunbutsu (純粋なフジュンブツ)

It's been a bad day-good night for Toronto sports. The Blue Jays lost their 2nd game against the Cleveland Indians in the ALCS (those Texas Rangers are probably snarking "Et tu, Toronto?") in the late afternoon but the rejuvenating Maple Leafs got some good production from the rookies to win their home opener on the ice tonight.

Had a brief talk with a fellow anime fan about the fun to be had from watching "Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun"(月刊少女野崎くん)when he suggested that I also take a gander at another manga artist-based comedy called "Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to"(マンガ家さんとアシスタントさんと...The Manga Artist and His Assistants) from 2014. With a slight chuckle, I told him that I have already seen it a couple of times and am currently doing a third round since I've enjoyed it so much.

Fair warning, though. Unlike "Nozaki-kun" in which manga artist Nozaki-kun is almost stubbornly clueless about his assistant's major love for him, the artist in "Mangaka-san", Aito, is overflowing way too much with hormones to perverted levels, much to the consternation of most of the women surrounding him. Nozaki-kun and Chiyo-chan would run screaming from Aito's neighbourhood on seeing some of his antics. In fact, my anime buddy who introduced the show to me told me that a lot of jaws initially dropped on finding out that Aito's seiyuu, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka(松岡禎丞), was willing to go full pervert for this role. And I think the scene above is one of the milder parts although things don't go anywhere into the X rating.

So as such, the opening theme for "Mangaka-san" has slowly wormed its way into my head. This would be "Junsui na Fujunbutsu" (Pure Impurities) sung by the anison aidoru group consisting of seiyuu, StylipS. Written by Aki Hata(畑亜貴)and composed by Kyo Takada(高田暁), the song doesn't break the mold at all in the anison genre; however it is a fun and happy-go-lucky take on how the ladies in Aito's life barely tolerate him but can't seem to let go of him, a topic that has actually been broached within the episodes once or twice. The opening credits for the show even illustrate this. The women often have to resort to violence to quell Aito but they still inevitably run over to his apartment regardless.

"Mangaka-san" keeps it even closer within the family as two of the members of StylipS have roles in the show: senior member Arisa Noto(能登有沙)plays the ever-cranky editor Mihari Otosuna while Miku Ito(伊藤美来)has a recurring role as the younger sister of Aito's chief assistant Sahoto Ashisu as played by creamy-voiced Saori Hayami(早見沙織).

Rounding out the quartet in the video with Noto and Ito are Moe Toyota(豊田萌絵)and Maho Matsunaga(松永真穂). Matsunaga actually graduated from the group just a few months ago in May. "Junsui na Fujunbutsu" was released in May 2014 as StylipS' 6th single and peaked at No. 46. Since their debut in 2011, the group has had 8 singles and 3 albums.

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