Monday, December 19, 2016

Masayuki Suzuki -- Our Love Is Special

Now with Christmas less than a week away, I'm sure folks are now in the full stages of desperate shopping and partying with colleagues and friends all over the city. Could be rather stressful. But in the middle of all of the hullabaloo, there has to be some sort of existential oasis whether it be some old plastic chair in the plastic stairwell of a department store or some nook in the office/house away from the main craziness of the party where you and one other can have some quiet conversation.

(excerpt only)

Or perhaps it could be under the mistletoe with that special someone. Yes, segue time once more as I bring a bit of J-soul thanks to the velvet tones of Masayuki Suzuki(鈴木雅之). "Our Love Is Special" is a track on Martin's 3rd solo album "Dear Tears" from September 1989 which was the very first release that I ever bought of the lead vocalist from Rats & Star.

Written and composed by Ray Parker Jr., "Our Love Is Special" is a nice reaffirming (for the most part) mid-tempo tune which the uploader on YouTube commented as being rather similar in parts to Kool & The Gang's "Cherish". Yup, I would agree with that assessment although that ending fadeout sounded somewhat ominous with the keyboard sounding like a warning alarm while the guitar provided some dissonant chords. Maybe the love didn't end up being all that special? Well, as long as you stop the song 30 seconds before the end, you should be OK.

The reason I bought the album in the first place was for that one wonderful ballad on it, "Wakare no Machi"(別れの街).

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