Friday, February 3, 2017

Midori Karashima -- Emerald Dream

Always nice to find a hidden gem here and there and now and then. In this case, this is an emerald; an emerald dream, to be exact.

"Emerald Dream" was singer-songwriter Midori Karashima's(辛島美登里)4th single under the Fun House label (her 7th overall) released in May 1990. Karashima-sensei came up with a really nice, light and bubbly tune of happiness, although that intro has some late-80s City Pop undertones. But then the music quickly changes into territory that has been covered by her contemporaries such as Akiko Kobayashi(小林明子)and Reimy(麗美). It sounds downright Smooth Jazz-y right down to the flugelhorn...only needs some Perrier to complete the image.

The song got as high as No. 79 on Oricon and has been placed on at least a few of her BEST compilations such as "Zinc White" which was released in October 1991. Overall, it's very nice to listen to when the winter is blowing away out there.

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