Monday, May 1, 2017

Bonjour Suzuki -- Ano Mori de Matteru (あの森で待ってる)

What a difference a week makes. Last weekend, it looked like we were finally dropping the shackles on winter but then yesterday, it felt like the cold season decided to do a reversal. We got a ton of rain which didn't help either but at least we weren't socked by snow. I can only hope that the fact that it is now May will start pushing winter back into his trunk. Admittedly this is my hometown of Toronto so that hope may be fairly forlorn.

Some time ago on that article for the opening theme for the anime "Kumamiko"(くまみこ), I devoted a small paragraph on the lyricist and composer Bonjour Suzuki(ボンジュール鈴木)because of my introduction to her via her performance on the opening theme for another anime back in 2015. That show was "Yurikuma Arashi"(ユリ熊嵐)which was directed by the slightly eccentric Kunihiko Ikuhara(幾原邦彦).

I had no idea that Ikuhara had directed several episodes for the original anime version of "Sailor Moon" but did see one of his other projects that garnered a lot of attention, the major mindscrew of "Mawaru Penguindrum"(輪るピングドラム). I don't think "Yurikuma" was as weirded out as that one but I'd still say that it did enter the realm of yuri and psychological suspense. Hints of "Suspiria" and other school-based horror movies came to mind while watching this with large dollops of yuri as thick as the honey that flowed in the opening credits. The show was notable to me for all of the huge loading of famous female seiyuu in a supporting category ranging from Ami Koshimizu(小清水亜美)to Kikuko Inoue(井上喜久子).

Speaking of which....when I first saw those credits, I just turned to my anime buddy and said "Aw, I gonna have to make a citizen's arrest of both of us?!" What heightened the effect was Bonjour Suzuki actually performing the theme song "Ano Mori de Matteru" (I'll Wait For You In Those Woods). If one ever wondered what Brigitte Bardot might sound like singing an anison, well, you may have your answer right here. It's quite the sex kitten of a song with that whispery delivery of hers up along a melody that sounds holy and sultry at the same time.

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