Thursday, May 4, 2017

Tama -- Ozone no Dance (オゾンのダンス)

Perhaps I was a bit harsh in my first article a few years ago on the eccentric band Tama(たま)for "Sayonara Jinrui"(さよなら人類)when I mentioned that the hit was the only success for Yoichiro Yanagihara(柳原陽一郎)and his group. A couple of their follow-up singles did pretty well as well.

Case in point was their second single from September 1990, just a few months following the release of "Sayonara Jinrui". "Ozone no Dance" (Ozone Dance) was once again written and composed by vocalist Yanagihara and depicted what I can only call a tribal experience. A young lass and her chestnut-headed friends (according to the music video) want to dance the night away under the moonlight while noshing on apples. I'm sure a lot of folks would probably want to do the same thing after the usual rat race. Not sure where the ozone comes in, though.

I actually remember hearing this song and seeing a performance or two on the telly way back when. The weirdness factor was still on display but it was slightly more enhanced with percussionist Koji Ishikawa(石川浩司)providing his own vocal effects during the song. But hey, it's a fun and zippy little number. It got up to No. 14 on Oricon and was also placed in Tama's debut album "Sandaru"(さんだる)which also has "Sayonara Jinrui". "Sandaru" hit No. 2 on the album charts and became the 35th-ranked release of 1990 after its release in July.

Of course, Canada was no slouch when it came to eccentric and catchy pop "Dance" songs. Anyone remember Men Without Hats?

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