Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ryusenkei -- Koi no Cider (恋のサイダー)

Gotta say that I'm getting pretty tempted to get an album...any groovy band Ryusenkei(流線形).

I mean, it may be the early 21st century but these guys are disco-ing as if it were the late 1970s or early 1980s. "Koi no Cider" (Love Cider) is straight from Ryusenkei's debut album "City Music" from 2003. The arrangement is a love letter to City Pop and I just adore the drums in this tune. Unfortunately, that's about all the information I can get about this song since the band still doesn't have any sort of website or even any recognition on J-Wiki. I think their Facebook page is about it for representation outside of any media reports on them. But I did find out that Tomomi Sano(サノトモミ)is the vocalist here.

Various folks have put forth that City Pop as a genre should be addressed to the creations by Tatsuro Yamashita(山下達郎), Minako Yoshida(吉田美奈子), Makoto Matsushita(松下誠)and others from decades back and that the tunes made by folks like Ryusenkei should be given a new name or the old one of AOR. However, I think the newer stuff I've heard still fits the bill enough to earn the return of the name of that favourite genre of mine. At the same time, though, I think I can see their point since City Pop seems to refer to the big city (namely Tokyo) during a time when the Economic Miracle was paying off in big dividends...a time that no longer exists now.

Incidentally, you can also try out another song from "City Music": "Airport '80"(エアーポート’80).

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