Friday, June 2, 2017

Yosui Inoue/Takako Uehara -- Make-up Shadow

Well, almost time for the weekend. And it's looking pretty decent out there for a change after a really wet May. As I mentioned, I caught "Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2" last Monday and enjoyed it thoroughly. One of the longer-lasting effects from the movie, though, came from one of the old-timey pop songs provided by Electric Light Orchestra "Mr. Blue Sky" during the introductory battle between the Guardians and some creature while Baby Groot was dancing up a storm.

It is quite the joyous earworm that can singlehandedly blow away any storm clouds and it just shows that someone can still discover a new song from the old days. As I always say, better late than never. Apparently, "Mr. Blue Sky" and the opening credits for the movie have even sprouted a video meme of sorts with different movies getting the "Guardians of the Galaxy" treatment. "The Matrix" is one such movie.

Speaking discovering fun new songs from the old days, I also found one just a few days ago by the eternally sunglasses-wearing balladeer, Yosui Inoue(井上陽水). "Make-up Shadow". Coming out almost a quarter of a century ago in July 1993 as his 33rd single, it's a pretty roving tune that's got a humming engine, thanks to the keyboard work. Written by Inoue and composed by Jun Sato(佐藤準)under his pseudonym of Utsuru Ayame(彩目映) , I think the singer is relating a story of a glam young lady painting the night red. This could be a good Friday night song.

Several years later, the song was used for a Toyota Blade commercial. I probably would have used it for something a bit leaner and meaner like a Porsche, and considering the title and the lyrics, perhaps it would have been best utilized for a bold cosmetics ad. "Make-up Shadow" hit No. 2 on the charts and became the 27th-ranked single for 1993.

A decade after the original's release, a cover version was released by former SPEED member, Takako Uehara(上原多香子), as her 8th single in March 2003. When I first heard the introduction, I wasn't quite sure if I had the right song but I guess the arrangement went for a slightly more dance remix-y feeling. Plus, I think Uehara in the video would have been the perfect figure for that bold cosmetics ad that I mentioned above. This version peaked at No. 29.

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