Wednesday, July 5, 2017

B'z -- Taiyo no Komachi Angel (太陽のKomachi Angel)

This particular song isn't quite in my own personal B'z league of "Be There" or "Love Phantom" but I cannot doubt the familiarity of the melody.

"Taiyo no Komachi Angel" (Komachi Angel of the Sun) has that percolating and contagious music by Tak Matsumoto(松本孝弘)which has been a B'z characteristic all these years. According to the J-Wiki article, he used a bit of Latin to spice things up. Vocalist Koshi Inaba(稲葉浩志)came up with the lyrics and the title but even he himself was a bit stymied about how he came up with it. Perhaps a little too much tequila that night...

The song came out as the duo's 5th single from June 1990, just 3 weeks after the release of the aforementioned "Be There", and finally did something that hadn't been done before by B'z. "Taiyo no Komachi Angel" became the guys' very first No. 1 song, thus launching that incredible record of basically every subsequent single hitting/debuting at No. 1. Going Platinum was a done deal and it became the 27th-ranked single of the year. It was later included on its first album, the BEST compilation of "B'z The Best "Pleasure", released in May 1998.

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