Saturday, July 8, 2017

Hisako Mitsui -- Getsuyoubi wa SICK SICK (月曜日はシックシック)

I was listening to a collection of 80s Japanese aidoru that I was able to acquire thanks to JTM earlier this afternoon, and I came across this fairly catchy number by an aidoru named Hisako Mitsui(三井比佐子).

Mitsui was totally unknown to me until today but she had a brief stint as an aidoru in 1982 after being part of an aidoru triumvirate called Pansy(パンジー)which also featured Sawako Kitahara(北原佐和子)and Chiemi Manabe(真鍋ちえみ). Manabe has already gotten representation on "Kayo Kyoku Plus" through nikala's article on techno kayo songs.

Anyways, her debut single (she only released two as a solo act) was "Getsuyoubi wa SICK SICK" (I'm SICK SICK on Monday) from June 1982. Not that Mitsui was a great singer by any means (after all, we are talking about the average 80s aidoru) but seeing her in the hairdo and fashion of those days and hearing the youthful energy, she still brings that certain nostalgia factor. Plus, that enthusiastic backup chorus hounding her throughout the song reminds me of "Mickey" by Toni Basil which came out the same year, I believe.

Tetsuo Takahira(高平哲郎)took care of the lyrics about getting all hot and bothered about a guy to the point of distraction while at school while Kyohei Tsutsumi(筒美京平)came up with the music. I don't know how "Getsuyoubi wa SICK SICK" did on the charts but considering how brief her J-Wiki article is, it most likely didn't crack the Top 10. Still, it was a pretty pleasant enough 3 minutes in my earbuds and I guess I still have a soft spot for the launch pad kayo of my youth.

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