Sunday, August 20, 2017

fourfolium -- SAKURA Skip (SAKURAスキップ)

"NEW GAME!" has joined my short list of anime along with "Aho Girl"(アホガール)and "Love Lab"(恋愛ラボ) that didn't quite past muster with my anime buddy but had some earworm-y theme songs. But unlike the last two items, he did show me the first two episodes of "NEW GAME!" last year before deciding to reject it. It's kinda too bad since it seems like the humour really started coming in from Episode 3, especially with that famous scene of misunderstanding involving sleeping in the office without pants that was on the level of a typical "Three's Company" episode.

In any event, the opening theme by some of the seiyuu from "NEW GAME!" under the umbrella name of fourfolium is very chirpy and catchy. "SAKURA Skip" has got all of the cute voices backed by a synthesizer melody that kinda takes some from the Swinging 60s of Burt Bacharach (as far-fetched as that may sound). It doesn't has lodged into my brain like a Ceti Eel.

fourfolium consists of Yuuki Takada(高田憂希), Megumi Yamaguchi(山口愛), Megumi Toda(戸田めぐみ)and Ayumi Takeo(竹尾歩美)with "SAKURA Skip" written by KOCHO and composed by Kosuke Okui(奥井康介). The show has now gone onto a second season which started last month with an extra exclamation point in the title "NEW GAME!!".

Well, if worst comes to worst, I'll just get my own copy of the first series around Xmas.

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