Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Pearl Kyodai -- Sugar Sugar Tengoku (シュガシュガ天国 )

(excerpt only)

Coming from a time when I first knew Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, Jughead Jones and friends as a Saturday morning cartoon in the 1970s, I remember listening to "Sugar, Sugar", a song that went down in music history as one of the few hit tunes from a fictional band, The Archies, to hit No. 1 on Billboard. It became a staple on radio and also on those K-Tel compilation LPs (do I need to explain what an LP is?).

So you can imagine some of the memories that came when I first encountered the title for this song by the band called Pearl Kyodai (パール兄弟...The Pearl Brothers). "Sugar Sugar Tengoku" (Sugar Sugar Heaven) doesn't sound anything like "Sugar, Sugar", mind you. It's a bit of light New Wave-y music that sounds like it could have come out a decade earlier instead of the late 1980s. It was indeed a track from Pearl Kyodai's 5th album "Toyvox" released in April 1989, and along with the New Wave, I could hear a bit of PSY-S in there, too.

The band was actually formed in 1983 with the five "brothers" being led by Kenzo Saeki(サエキけんぞう)as main songwriter and vocalist. In their initial run between 1983 and 1994, it released 8 singles and a little over 10 albums. There was a hiatus lasting about a decade before Pearl Kyodai got back together in 2003 and they've apparently been performing ever since.

One reason that I've put this one up is that Saeki has already been mentioned in this blog due to his contribution in the creation of one of the cooler anison that I've heard "TRY UNITE!" by Megumi Nakajima(中島愛).

Tons of sugar sugar in this Cinnabon and Iced Milk Tea.

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