Saturday, August 19, 2017

Takako Mamiya -- Tasogare wa Ginpaku no...(たそがれは銀箔の...)

There's probably no better way to garner attention to a singer by having her release only one album that is being seen as one of the more pre-eminent of her genre and then have her totally disappear from view forever.

Yes, of course, I am talking about the mysterious Takako Mamiya(間宮貴子)whose sole 1982 album "Love Trip" is equating itself to Mamiya's entire presence on the blog. In the last few years, it seems as if there have been more and more videos about her music online, and I've gotten a couple of inquiries in as many days on the Contact Form.

So here I am with another track from "Love Trip", "Tasogare wa Ginpaku no..." (Sunset is a Silver Leaf...), an alternately dreamy/skippy mid-tempo number with some slightly tipsy flute and a warm honey trombone helping out. There's even some light Doobie Brothers beat popping up here and there like a bumblebee. The song might be flitting about between the 70s and 80s forms of City Pop.

"Tasogare wa Ginpaku no..." was written by Etsuko Kisugi(来生えつこ)and composed by Akira Inoue(井上鑑).

One other reason that I've written this article past midnight is that in answering one of the queries, I found out that "Love Trip" may not have been her only project. I dug up some information from music journalist Toshi Kanazawa's(金澤寿和)blog "Light Mellow on the web" via a tip from Tower Records Japan that she stepped in briefly for a departed member of the chorus group PAO around 1980. Like Mamiya, PAO is not particularly well known and I think the group only released one single in 1978 and then an album in 1980 titled "YOU".

In any case, my curiosity has now been set alight once more. And if anyone out there reading this knows Ms. Mamiya, have her contact us? I realize that she probably would love her privacy but I am really interested how she's been doing all these decades.


  1. I too am extremely interested in finding out more about Ms. Mamiya!

    1. Aye! So do I! Anime led me to this song in 2013; and now I have the album.

      Has anyone remade any of her songs, especially "Love Trip" and "Mayonaka No Joke"

    2. Hello there, CookyMonzta.

      Thanks for your comments. I found out about Takako Mamiya through my City Pop guide but I'm curious about how you found out about "Tasogare wa Ginpaku". Which anime was it used for?

      As far as I know, there haven't been any official cover versions. I'm not even sure what the royalty situation is for this album since there is almost next to nothing about Ms. Mamiya's life outside of "Love Trip".

    3. I'm flipping the Album as we speak...
      Stumbled across it a year ago and was immediately captivated by it.

    4. Aye, it's one of the City Pop classics, made even more haunting since its singer has completely disappeared from Internet notice.

  2. My guess is the album flopped and she left the industry, maybe to become a music teacher, housewife, etc. She's probably unaware of the recent popularity of the album, and may have even forgotten about Love Trip altogether as she moved on with her life.

    This happens pretty frequently - some obscure artist's music experiences a sudden revival, the artist catches wind, comes out, and as is like "Holy crap! I hadn't thought about that in decades as I moved on with my life..."

  3. Also one more thing, my brother has some connections to the recording industry in Japan. I could possibly have him reach out, but I would need a clear picture of the "recording data" on the back album cover. The only one's I've been able to find are obstructed by the pink ribbon.

    1. Hi there.

      I think the album flopping is a good possibility along with the situation that she realized that she didn't much like the recording industry. I doubt that she would have forgotten about the experience of recording it although depending on how she felt, she may have wanted to. But I'm just wildly speculating here.

      Thanks kindly for the offer but I've recently come to the conclusion that anyone who has managed to stay virtually non-existent from the Net especially in media-hungry Japan and with this current resurgence in interest in the City Pop of the 70s and 80s probably wants to stay that way and I can understand that.

  4. If you could ask your brother I'd love to know I make videos about Japanese stuff on the internet and any info or even a chance to talk to her about this would be invaluable

  5. any lyric (and maybe the translation) for the song?, one of my favourite track (after morning flight) for one of my favourite album...

  6. Hello, Luthfi.

    Thanks for your question, and I think I can at least give you a rough translation for "Tasogare wa Ginapku no...". All of the songs on "Love Trip" are great but my personal favourite is the title track itself.

    The silvery surface of the water is so bright at sunset
    As I rest on my arms, the white sand feels nice on my bare skin
    Beyond the horizon, they're just like small boats
    As I bump against your leaning body, the sea breeze caresses my hair

    As my extended legs tickle you, you lift your head
    We rest on our arms as they grow numb and comfortable
    We swim out to the sparkling horizon
    You never tire out in the waves
    While I'm in the middle of this sweet languid feeling

    I've always fallen in love with people who suit the sea
    Now with you

    The beach silhouette is your shadow at sunset
    I wave my hand at the day's remaining sound of waves at sunset
    Just cuddling up with you

    The beach silhouette is your shadow at sunset
    I wave my hand at the day's remaining sound of waves at sunset
    Just cuddling up with you


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.