Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ringo Shiina -- Jiyu-dom(ジユーダム)

Wednesday nights at the household are often tuned to NHK's "Gatten!"(ガッテン!)show which has rakugo comedian Shinosuke Tatekawa(立川志の輔)overseeing a trio of guest tarento and assisted by announcer Fumie Ono(小野文惠). "Gatten!" focuses on health-related issues such as the classic katakori (stiff shoulders), the latest trends in so-called superfoods and various exercises.

In early 2016, "Gatten" decided to undergo an overhaul (it has been on since 1995) with a new set, no Mami Yamase(山瀬まみ)as permanent panelist, and even a snazzy theme song. And it's been a theme song that I've been searching for on YouTube but for whatever reason, the original "Jiyu-dom" (Freedom) by Ringo Shiina(椎名林檎)has yet to be put up on the site although the cover versions are present (Ahh...look above).

The knowledge of "Jiyu-dom" doesn't seem to exist on the English-language sites pertaining to Shiina although it has been acknowledged on J-Wiki as a digital download-only single associated with "Gatten!". I've been hearing it weekly for almost 18 months now and I enjoy the playful jazz aspect of it. Shiina sings about having a good happy life with friends so it's well placed with the purpose of the show. 

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