Sunday, September 3, 2017

Yoko Nagayama -- Haru wa SA-RA-SA-RA (春はSA・RA・SA・RA)

Since I wrote an article yesterday on Yoko Nagayama(長山洋子)as she is now as a veteran enka/Mood Kayo singer through her latest single, I thought I might as well get whimsical and feature her aidoru age with her very first single. "Haru wa SA-RA-SA-RA" (Spring is Refreshing) was released in April 1984 when Nagayama had just turned 16, and it just sounds like your typical breezy 80s aidoru tune with those strings in there.

What's remarkable about the song is that it was actually a cover of a tune by Finnish singer Eini titled "Kiitävän hetken hurma" from 1983. The original sounds more like a fairly Eurobeat-ish technopop tune.

Machiko Ryu(竜真知子)provided the Japanese lyrics on "Haru wa SA-RA-SA-RA" which was also used in the Japanese trailer advertising a 2014 Spanish film titled "Magical Girl". The original single got as high as No. 41 on Oricon. Not too bad a start for Nagayama whose aidoru era lasted a little under a decade, and actually she would have even more success with a cover of another more famous tune a few years later.

1 comment:

  1. Originally Composed by Jori Sivonen and Raul Reiman (RIP)

    Japanese lyrics by Ryu Machiko
    Arranged by Shiro Sagisu


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