Monday, January 1, 2018

Hey! Say! JUMP -- Come On A My House

Well, Happy New 2018 everyone! Mostly did the usual thing when it comes to our family...did the o-zoni breakfast with mochi and miso soup and then had my brother's family over for dinner tonight. Plus, most of us watched the video tape of the 68th edition of the Kohaku Utagassen.

(And yup, it did get taken down.)

In all likelihood, the above video will disappear within the next day or so but for those who catch it quickly enough, you can get a good idea when I say that the Kohaku was actually a bit more entertaining for me when compared to other years. It wasn't the usual introduction with the Red & White teams on stage behind the hosts and a grand anthemic fanfare. NHK actually put in some pizzazz with a "relay" of sorts involving everybody on the list heading up to the Shibuya studio in Tokyo.

Furthermore, the first few songs on the lineup were pretty catchy, too. The top batter was Hey! Say! JUMP, a Johnny's group that hadn't ever gotten onto the blog but here it is tonight. When I first saw the title for this song, I was imagining (as crazy as it may sound) that these guys were actually gonna sing a cover of Rosemary Clooney's standard.

My naivete cleared up quickly as soon as Hey! Say! JUMP started up on the stage. This particular "Come On A My House" is a peppy and inviting boys' band tune that was pretty good to get everyone in the right frame of mind for a Kohaku. Not sure what got me all cheerful about the song but I gather with all of the frigid weather outside and looking back on a year that wasn't exactly the greatest, "Come On A My House" made for a nice tonic.

Written by Komei Kobayashi and composed by veteran Koji Makaino(馬飼野康二), Hey! Say! JUMP's 10th single actually came out back in June 2013, and hit No. 1 on the charts. It's also on their 3rd original album, "smart" from June 2014 which also went to the top spot.

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