Saturday, January 13, 2018

Mioko Yamaguchi -- Satemo Appare Yume Zakura(さても天晴れ 夢桜)

Back in February 2014, almost 4 years ago, nikala gave some of us an introduction to singer-songwriter Mioko Yamaguchi(山口美央子)through her most successful album "Tsukihime"(月姫...Moonlight Princess) from March 1983. I had never heard of her before but was struck by not only her gentle yet catchy tunes but her striking appearance on the album cover. As nikala wrote it, the singer part of her career was regrettably short but she has gone on as a songwriter for a number of pop singers in the years since.

Last night, I encountered another track from that same album, and boy is it an earworm! In fact, among the three songs that I have now heard from "Tsukihime", Track 7 "Satemo Appare Yume Zakura" (Wow! Bravo, Dream Cherry Blossoms) is the most attractive song yet. It was also released as her 5th single in the same year.

As with the other two I've heard, the title track and "Koi wa Shunkan"(恋は春感), "Satemo Appare Yume Zakura" is this intriguing technopop with traditional Japanese leanings but it also possesses this steady bouncy beat and the repeated "Ha, ha, ha..." that inexorably drills into the brain. nikala mentioned it as well in her article but there is this Akiko Yano(矢野顕子)vibe to "Satemo Appare Yume Zakura" especially in the technopop but I also think about Taeko Ohnuki(大貫妙子)and her music at around the same time.

nikala also stated that the original LP only sold 5000 copies. I've tried looking for it and although none of her albums are available at my usual two sources of CD Japan and Tower Records, the record and perhaps the CD seem to be sold at some other private shops. After hearing "Satemo Appare Yume Zakura", I wouldn't mind getting my own copy somehow.

January 16 2018: Well, someone has been looking favourably upon me...and his name is Hideki Matsutake. I received a tweet through his Logic Store that the three original albums by Yamaguchi are now available on CD. So if you are interested, have a look! I'll provide the copy of the tweet below. And by the way, I just purchased "Tsukihime" there.

We have reissued Mioko's three albums.
Available in CD for the first time! 
This online store is curated by Hideki Matsutake who participated in Mioko's Albums as a synthesizer programmer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone,
    Please note that shipping and handling charges in our store depend on the delivery address and they are fixed regardless of weight or quantity of the items purchased.


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