Thursday, February 15, 2018

Chocolate Lips -- CHOCOLATE LIPS

Well, since I was so curious, I finally did get that Chocolate Lips (1984) album over Xmas since I enjoyed that one track "Day Dreamin'". It was about as close as one could get to hearing a Japanese band doing the Dazz Band.

To be honest, all of the Chocolate Lips songs that I've already covered on the blog such as "Day Dreamin'" are from this one single self-titled album. Just to remind folks, the band consisted of high-toned vocalist and keyboardist Miho Fujiwara(藤原美穂), saxophonist Jimmie L. Weaver and bassist James Norwood.

My impression of the album as a whole was that it was OK but not spectacular. I pretty much covered all of my favourite tracks except this one above, "Milk and Honey" with lyrics by Fujiwara and music by Weaver and Michael C.Wilson. Lots of bass for this strut and even a rap of sorts shouting out a lot of the major sites in Japan.

The first track is "Sexy Eyes" with Weaver providing both words and music with Wilson and Shu also helping out on the music. It's got plenty of funk and Fujiwara really throws out the high notes here. A nice guitar solo near the end, too. 

Most of the other tracks are along these funky lines except for the final track which is a ballad titled "In Time". Fujiwara again provides lyrics with Weaver and Shohei Narabe(奈良部匠平)composing.

"CHOCOLATE LIPS" the CD version also includes as bonus tracks all of the songs from Fujiwara's mini-album "California Crisis" from 1986. She keeps the funk going with "Heartbeat", a song that doesn't especially break any molds but is reminiscent of some of the R&B from my MTV and MuchMusic-infused youth. And to be honest, I keep getting reminded of some of the action movies that came out during the 1980s with their BGM.


  1. Hi J-Canuck!

    Thanks for the review.
    I do agree with you here. Nothing really ground-breaking although musicians know their game. It's well executed but lacks a bit of Japanese touch.
    Well, I'm still satisfied with it; I may be one of few to have bought this CD for "California Crisis" so that I can see "Chocolate Lips" as nice bonus tracks :)

    1. You're welcome, Daemonskald!

      Yeah, the album is good enough so that I haven't regretted buying it but it probably won't become a heavy-rotation disc on my stereo aside from wanting to hear "Day Dreamin'" and "Milk and Honey".


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