Saturday, March 17, 2018

Miki Sato -- Egao kara Hajimemashou(笑顔から始めましょう)

Nice Saturday out there! Finished up two-thirds of a rare weekend translation assignment so now taking it easy in the afternoon.

Found another one of those singers from the bottom 9/10ths of my music iceberg that I've analogized about over the years. Pretty much zero in terms of information about Miki Sato(佐藤美樹)aside from the fact that, according to this site, she released only two albums in 1994.

Still, I like this pop song from her 2nd album "Private Colors" from November of that year. "Egao kara Hajimemashou" (Let's Start from a Smiling Face) has that bubbliness which would almost land the song in the aidoru area. Still, I hear a bit more sophistication in the arrangements so I'm reminded of some of the other chanteuses from around that time such as Eri Hiramatsu(平松愛理)and Miki Imai(今井美樹). Sato and Anju Mana(真名杏樹)wrote the lyrics while Hitoshi Haba(羽場仁志)took care of the melody.

Keep chipping away underwater. You never know what you'll find.


  1. Hi J-Canuck!

    As always, thanks for digging up some new artists.

    There are indeed little information about Miki Sato.
    Here's what I found about her:
    - she released 2 albums and 2 singles in 1994. Singles don't contain any non album tracks but karaoke and each time were released the same date as the albums. That's for completionist part,
    - according to CDJournal, she's the daughter of mangaka Sanpei Sato,
    - written on obi of her 1st album, there is a short biography of her. She's born in 14th of July 1966 and learned piano at 5.

    Now, I start to believe you have a sixth sense about Fujimal Yoshino because he plays guitar on this track...

    Oh, and on a side note, 真名杏樹 is romanized Anju Mana. Not Aki Mana. Her real name is Machiko Fukuda (福田三月子) and like many he had a very short career as singer under that name. But that's another story...

    1. Hi, Daemonskald.

      Thanks for digging up the information on Ms. Sato, and also for the correction on Ms. Mana's name. I've made the correction. Didn't know that Yoshino played on the song but always happy to know when he takes part on a project.


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