Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Team Syachihoko -- Ai no Chikyuusai (愛の地球祭)

Now, that’s what I call guilty pleasure… and it’s “Ai no Chikyuusai”, a single released by Team Syachihoko (チームしゃちほこ) in October 2013.

The thing about “Ai no Chikyuusai” is how it sounds like a quirky Techno Kayo song with all the blips and retro electronic features. It’s also a very catchy tune with some nice melodic shifts, such as the hyper-speedy and cute chorus, as opposed to the more jingle-like verses. Well, that’s not an uncommon thing in J-Pop, but I’m always surprised to see how they care for the melody, even in this type of shallow aidoru tune.

After so many years, it’s nice to have three of Team Syachihoko’s songs staying strong in my general playlist, one being “Ai no Chikyuusai”, the other being the already covered “Iikurashi” (いいくらし) and, finally, “Shampoo Hat” (シャンプーハット) – a song about, you guessed right, shampoo hats (well, I think it’s not REALLY about shampoo hats… it can’t be, right?).

“Ai no Chikyuusai” reached #5 on the Oricon chart. Lyrics were written by Kouji Miyashita (宮下浩司), while music and arrangement were done by Minoru Komorita (コモリタミノル).



  1. Hi Marcos - what do you think of Cherie and J.A.N.A.I.C.A. ?I love the instrumentation arrangement behind Cherie, and the JANAICA vid resurrects para-para while out-Kyary'ing Kyary Pamyu in effect. What's the term for a visual ear-worm ?

  2. Hello, guys.

    I guess for that last question by T-cat...eye-worm, although that sounds even more gross.

    "Ai no Chikyuusai" is truly a unique song: half of it sounds like a minor-key Swiss yodel and the other is the techno aidoru tune. The video is also the first time I've seen any band decide to parody the average morning and afternoon schedule for NHK.

  3. Hello, T-cat and J-Canuck.

    I like "J.A.N.A.I.C.A.'s" catchy para-para nature a lot (love the main synth hook) and I'd say it's also one of my highlights from the group (although I confess forgetting about it while writing the post). As for "Cherie", it's one of Team Syachihoko's singles I don't like at all. Melodically, I think it's just an uninspired aidoru tune, even though I can see the arrangement's appeal. In fact, I don't follow the group anymore... I think their last single I've checked was "Cherie" itself.

    And J-Canuck is right when he compares "Ai no Chikyuusai's" verses to something similar to Swiss yodel. I'd never think about it, but it just made sense after I read the comment. Indeed, Team Syachihoko ended releasing a very interesting single.

    1. Hello there.

      I certainly hope that the more "underground" or "indie" aidoru continue to find interesting ways to express themselves. It looks like especia is breaking up at the end of this month, though. :(

    2. Oops! I should have said that they already broke up a year ago.


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