Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Yu Hayami -- Isoide! Hatsukoi(急いで!初恋)

It's been over a year since I wrote about the Hawaii-loving aidoru of the 1980s, Yu Hayami(早見優), and I did listen to that first disc from her large collection yesterday so it's time to revisit her discography.

Why not go back to the very beginning? This is her debut single "Isoide! Hatsukoi" (Hurry Up! First Love) which deals with the usual pining away for that love. Hayami's first release came out in April 1982 with Ikki Matsumoto(松本一起)providing the words and Yasuo Kosugi(小杉保夫)coming up with the breezy music.

"Isoide! Hatsukoi" managed to get as high as No. 36 on Oricon, not too bad for a debut. And I think for the purposes of this blog, the song is quite appropriate as it is White Day in Japan...or at least, it was...since as I am typing this out, it's already the Ides of March over there. I'm sure the chocolate shops were pulling some major overtime in the days leading up to the 14th.

It also happens to be Pi Day (3.14) which brings me to the fact that Professor Stephen Hawking passed away earlier today at the age of 76, so would like to give my tribute to him here. I did buy "A Brief History of Time". According to his Wiki biography, it seems that he wasn't all that religious so I can hope that his spirit has headed off into one of those alternate dimensions instead of Heaven.


  1. Hello, J-Canuck!

    I only know a few songs by Hayami, but the lyrics "kimi no kaori shinkokyuu / sweet sweet dreaming my love" are already familiar to me after venturing so much on YouTube through the world of 80's aidoru. Also, 1982 was an especially prolific year when it comes to successful debuts: besides Hayami, there were Akina, Kyon-Kyon, Chiemi Hori...

    Incidentally, the only class I had today was Physics and, of course, the passing of Stephen Hawking was mentioned. I watched "The Theory of Everything" a few years ago and I found it a very good movie.

    A nice day to you.

    1. Hi, Joana.

      I first saw the report on Hawking's passing on NHK and actually gasped audibly. I realized that he hadn't been doing well lately but it was still a shock to find out about his death. The amazing thing is that he died on Einstein's birthday! I can only imagine those two are having an incredible conversation now wherever they are.

      1982 was indeed a banner year for aidoru. I used to have this junior high school magazine from that year (that has probably been thrown away by now) which actually gave an introduction to these fresh faces.

      The only other year in the 80s that could be comparable is either 1985 or 1986 when Onyanko Club and Miho Nakayama debuted.

      Good day to you, too!

    2. Hello everybody!

      Don't know if you use these websites but I found them quite useful when looking for an idol debut year:
      - : kayo kyoku + idols from 1960 to 1989.
      - : centered on B-class idols from 1979 to 1986. Very useful for stage names' change (to keep track of artists' full discographies).

    3. Evening, Daemonskald.

      Wow! That one labour of love for all those aidorus. My hat is off to the person who created that list. I've now put them onto my bookmarks and in fact, I found one name on the Fujiyama list that has a YouTube video. Perhaps I will talk about her in the next couple of days. Many thanks!


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