Monday, April 2, 2018

Aya Matsuura -- Momoiro Kataomoi(♡桃色片想い♡)

The warmer weather may be a bit slow in coming to my neck of the woods but that doesn't mean I can't bring in some sunniness to "Kayo Kyoku Plus".

For today, there is no one better than Ayaya, aka Aya Matsuura(松浦亜弥), and no song better than her "Momoiro Kataomoi" (Peach-Coloured Unrequited Love). This was her 5th single from February 2002, and the one thing I remember about it is that day-glo video set in a peach cannery that looks like it was built in the same town where H.R. Pufnstuf (Google it!) lived.

Being a member of Hello Project at the time, Tsunku(つんく♂)was of course the one behind words and music for "Momoiro Kataomoi", about as bouncy as an aidoru tune that I've ever heard. The song's title might be hinting at something sad but I certainly can't tell from the music and the video. Not surprisingly, it has become one of Ayaya's trademark tunes with J-Wiki stating that it was her breakthrough song. It did get as high as No. 2 on the Oricon weeklies. It was also included in her second album "T・W・O" from January 2003 which peaked also at No. 2.

With that twangy arrangement, I think the song would also have been ideal for Chisato Moritaka(森高千里).

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