Monday, May 21, 2018

Noriko Miyamoto -- Matenro Monogatari(摩天楼物語)

Cool and good.

Found this lovely number on the City Pop radio provided by Van Paugam.

This is "Matenro Monogatari" (Skyscraper Story) from Noriko Miyamoto's(宮本典子)1982 album "Noriko". Another urban and funky number by the divine Mimi, that voice, those horns and that bass can probably get the average stuffed-shirt politician from Parliament strutting down the streets of Tokyo. Perhaps it could even get included in the Japanese equivalent of the classic album "The Dude" by Quincy Jones.

"Matenro Monogatari" shares album space with the previous Mimi entry "Lovely City" on the 1982 album, so that tears it. I'm getting "Noriko" if it's still available out there. Mind you, I've just fired off a few bullets from my wallet so I have to exercise discipline and won't probably get it until later this year.

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