Friday, June 15, 2018

Beers -- Kowareta Wiper(壊れたワイパー)

Time to finish off tonight's articles with some Friday City Pop. And it's always nice when you discover one of those lovely rarities.

Found this one by accident and although there is nothing listed about this City Pop duo called Beers on J-Wiki, I did find a very small article about them at Tower Records.

Consisting of Megumi Saito(斉藤恵)on the left in that yuppie outfit and Yoko Hashimoto(橋本ヨーコ)on the right, Beers released just the one album, "Mistress" in 1983, but it looks like the two made it count if the opening track "Kowareta Wiper" (Broken Wiper) is any indication. All of the tropes of the genre are in there to make this a very enjoyable ride on the highway, including a sax solo by the late Jake H. Concepcion. It's time to party like it's 1983!

"Kowareta Wiper" was written by Yoshiko Miura(三浦徳子)and composed by Daisuke Inoue(井上大輔). It looks like "Mistress" was remastered and made into a CD for the first time back in early 2016 at Tower, so there is a chance that all City Pop fans including myself can try and get a copy. I've certainly been charmed by the first song, and despite the title, I think the car ought to be in fine fettle.

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