Friday, June 8, 2018

bird -- Sparkles

If you like your J-Pop videos with a bit of shoe voyeurism, I have got just the one for you!

And guess what? The song that comes with it is pretty darn spanking nice as well...perfect for the coming summer. This is bird's 21st single, "Sparkles" from October 2006 which, considering what I said in the previous statement, makes it very sunny for the season when it was released. Still, this tune which bird wrote and composed is likely one of the most joyous tunes to accompany a stroll in the park. And the arrangement rather mixes in the old and the new.

I'm just sorry that "Sparkles" only ranked in at No. 199 on Oricon. Should have gotten some more love than that, but I am being biased here. And it was nice to have it included on her "Free Soul Collection" of her hits which came out in September 2008. 

The name Sparkles also has some meaning for me. It used to be the name of what was once the highest disco in the world when it was located in the Skypod section of Toronto's CN Tower. Of course, with its limited floor space, it was also probably one of the tightest discos on Earth.

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