Saturday, September 15, 2018

Kenjiro Sakiya -- Melody

Well, it's been four years since I've put up a Kenjiro Sakiya-performed(崎谷健次郎)melody and so how appropriate it is to feature a song titled "Melody".

This one struck me as this swooning sophisti-soul song that would have folks enjoying a classy meal at the top of a hotel or even fantastically sweeping across the night skies over the metropolis. And there's even part of "Melody"...perhaps the strings...that had me remembering a certain Pet Shop Boys love song. In any case, this is one cool tune.

I was able to track the source of "Melody" to Sakiya's 1990 album "Tada Ichido Dake no Eien"(ただ一度だけの永遠...Only Once in an Eternity). Dinner by candlelight?

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