Saturday, October 6, 2018

All-Points Bulletin: Name This Tune

Happy Saturday! Received a message from Alan through the Contact Form about the above song. It's got an apparent title "Summer Night (In Rio)" although I'm not 100% certain on that since I couldn't find anything that title paired with "City Pop" through the Yahoo Japan search engine.

So it's not really a "Name This Tune" but more of a "Name This Band/Artist". From the arrangement, it sounds like a 70s City Pop song, and from first listen, I thought it could be the group Higurashi(日暮し)who wove among folk, New Music and City Pop, but I'm not so sure.

In any case, if any of you have any inkling about the identity of the singers behind this peppy number (or if the original uploader, Mellow Citypop, can shed any light), please let me know.


  1. "SUMMER NIGHT (IN RIO)" does appear to be the song's actual name, by EARLGREY AND HARCHANT BAND, from the album HALF & HALF. At least, according to this page ( ) on the Ella Records blog.

    Actually, looking closer at it, it appears to be a split-LP (I've seen split-EPs, but never an LP!) and EARLGREY and HARCHANT BAND are two different artists? The song is the final track on the HARCHANT BAND side.

    It's sold out on Ella Records site, but I found on on auctions going for 15,000 jpy!

    1. Good to hear from you, Matthew!

      And thanks very much for being able to resolve this mystery. We're not usually too successful with these APBs, so it's great when a singer or title can be tracked down. You've made Alan a very happy person.:)


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.