Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hatsumi Shibata -- Latin Night(ラテン・ナイト)

Among some of the more intriguing corners of YouTube I've come across has been the one for chiropractic sessions. Dr. Gregory Johnson's channel has been one I've visited a few times since he's used the term "crack addicts" to refer to his viewers who love it when the good doctor goes down to town cracking on those backs and necks.

Well, tonight, perhaps I can entice those "bass addicts" in City Pop land with this one called "Latin Night" by Hatsumi Shibata(しばたはつみ). The singer had a long career and my last article on her was when she first started out under her first stage name of Kanna Hatsumi(はつみかんな)back in the late 1960s with her brand of 60s go-go boot-friendly pop.

Now moving ahead by around 15 years, she embraced the City Pop aesthetic with "Latin Night" from her June 1985 album "Voices". That boppy bass welcomes listeners to the big city night of fun and luxury, and Ms. Shibata is your congenial host. I couldn't track down who wrote and composed the song, but I was able to find out Joe Hisaishi(久石譲), the fellow behind all those Studio Ghibli tunes, arranged this one for her. Still, it would be kind of hard to imagine Totoro and Kiki getting down on the dance floor in Roppongi.

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