Sunday, October 7, 2018

Little Glee Monster -- Seishun Photograph(青春フォトグラフ)

I guess that you could say that this is similar to the "Hibike Euphonium"(響け!ユーフォニアム)phenomenon on YouTube, but in recent weeks, I've been watching (and ultimately subscribed) to the channel KHORnime with its anime videos based on certain clever themes.

Several KHORnime videos have an opening sequence done to this most catchy song while various dancing scenes from different anime are playing. It's quite well done, actually, and most sagely, KHORnime was good enough to put down the group and the title behind the tune.

So, faster than you can say "Hibike Euphonium brought me here", well, I can say that KHORnime brought me...and a number of other This would be Little Glee Monster's 2nd single "Seishun Photograph" (Salad Days Photographs) from March 2015.

The release date was an example of good timing since the theme here with the song and the video seems to be about those March school graduations which take on quite a lot of pomp and circumstance in Japan. It's 4 minutes and change of good feelings mixed with some Motown soul and perhaps even some boogie-woogie. There may be tears shed at a junior high school graduation but Little Glee Monster is here to lift those spirits up!

Junji Ishiwatari(いしわたり淳治)the former guitarist of the band Supercar, wrote the lyrics while singer-songwriter Miho Fukuhara(福原美穂)along with KEN for 2 SOUL MUSIC inc. and Philip Woo came up with the happy-happy-joy-joy music. I think "Seishun Photograph" is so filled with glad tidings that I was surprised that it didn't get higher than its No. 25 peak on Oricon, but as I said, it's getting its re-discovery through KHORnime. The song is also on Little Glee Monster's debut album "Colorful Monster", released in January 2016. That album peaked at No. 4.

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