Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Ritsuko Tanaka -- Fried Frustration(フライドフラストレーション)

Appropriate commercial since we're looking at Halloween tomorrow. Anyways, Ritsuko Tanaka(田中律子)has been a fairly common presence on TV since she has worn the three hats of aidoru, tarento and actress. She appeared on that 1991 drama "Hyaku-ikkai me no Propose"(101回目のプロポーズ...The 101st Proposal)with Tetsuya Takeda(武田鉄矢)and Atsuko Asano(浅野温子), and was a co-host on a popular Saturday morning variety show on TBS, "Ousama no Brunch"(王様のブランチ...The King's Brunch)in the mid-1990s.

However, the first time that I saw Tanaka was on those Halls Lozenges commercials where she sang some cute little jingle.

I didn't know that this was actually a single by Tanaka. In fact, it kinda surprised that his was her 8th of 11 singles from November 1990 that she released in her relatively brief singing career since this was the only song that I've registered with her. None of her songs ever got anywhere near the Oricon Top 10; the "closest" one ranked in at No. 93. She also put out 5 albums.

"Fried Frustration" is a tune that I would never have imagined with those two words put together. If I've read the lyrics by Natsumi Tadano(只野菜摘)correctly, it's just about the trials and tribulations of trying to get into love. As for the music, that is by Tadashi Uchiyama内山肇...I hope that I got the first name right), and it's pretty catchy although the song will never threaten my Top 10 list. However, I do like the synth work and the chorus with their "SHOO-BE-DOO-WOP-BOP!"

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