Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Nope, not exactly a supercar but it's a nice little Suzuki that I came across during my travels in Japan, and for privacy reasons, I have covered up the license plate.

As for the band SUPERCAR, I never got to know them that well during their run between 1995 and 2005, but from seeing one of their videos on the Viewsic music channel when I was living in Ichikawa, my impression was that this was an indie technopop band.

From what I found out from their Wikipedia page, though, was that they had started out as an alternative rock group but midway, the members introduced some more electronica for the duration of their time together.

I came across this video by SUPERCAR for their 14th single "BGM" released in November 2003, and it does have that mixture of alternative and analog synths that take me back to my high school days. Perhaps they were even inspired a bit by "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Watching the video, I was wondering that wouldn't it be nice if there were a flowing ribbon of water in the sky throughout Tokyo. Fresh water right outside of your window.

The song, which was written by guitarist Junji Ishiwatari(石渡淳治)and composed by vocalist/keyboardist Koji Nakamura(中村弘二), is hypnotic and spooky at the same time with Nakamura intoning the lyrics at times like a New Age priest of sorts. It peaked at No. 38 on Oricon and also belongs to SUPERCAR's 5th and final album "Answer" from February 2004. That release went as high as No. 18.

Along with Ishiwatari and Nakamura, SUPERCAR also had Miki Furukawa(古川美季)as bassist and Kodai Tazawa(田沢公大)on drums.

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