Thursday, October 25, 2018

Tatsuhiko Yamamoto -- Yume yori Kurushiku(夢より苦しく)

Eating by yourself in a pretty classy restaurant? Not the most comfortable situation...believe me, I've been there. It's one thing to have dinner at a ramen restaurant or a McDonalds where solitary dining is common. But at a place that offers fine dining where it's considered appropriate to have at least one other person with you? I did get my fair share of stares.

That seems to be the topic of "Yume yori Kurushiku" (More Painful Than A Dream) by City Pop prince Tatsuhiko Yamamoto(山本達彦). Etsuko Kisugi(来生えつこ)provided the lyrics of the hard and lonely experience while Yamamoto composed the urbane and breezy melody that I could consider to be Sad Steely Dan. It's a cool song regardless as long as I don't linger too much on the lyrics...brings back too many memories.

"Yume yori Kurushiku" is a track on Yamamoto's 10th album "Music" which was released in June 1984 according to J-Wiki (although iTunes states that it came out in December 1987). The album managed to get as high as No. 6 on Oricon. I don't have "Music" but luckily, the song is part of his BEST compilation "70s & 80s BEST" which came out in 2008.

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