Saturday, November 10, 2018

Jigoku no Sata All-Stars -- Haikei, Jigoku yori(拝啓、地獄より)

I've been going through the 2nd cour of the 2nd season of the anime "Hoozuki no Reitetsu"(鬼灯の冷徹...Hozuki's Coolheadedness)(2018), the slice-of-life comedy that takes place in Hell. It still hasn't struck me as one of my all-time favourites, as I mentioned in the article for the opening theme of the 1st cour, but at least, it's made for some more comfortable viewing.

Recently, there have been warnings about the dangers of contracting hookworms when walking on those tropical beaches barefoot. Well, one episode from this latest cour of "Hoozuki no Reitetsu" illustrated that caveat abundantly clear. Simply said...simply DON'T.

I couldn't find any video for the opening credits for the 2nd cour, but I was able to track down the full version of the opening theme song, "Haikei, Jigoku yori" (Greetings From Hell) performed by the main cast as the Jigoku no Sata All-Stars(地獄の沙汰オールスターズ). Like the opener for the 1st cour in 2017, it's pretty catchy but most of it is done in an enka style this time compared to the country-style hoedown of "Dai! Jigo Jigo Bushi"(大!地獄地獄節), although there is a semi-reprise of sorts from that song, along with a Vaudevillian "Coming Home" type of finish.

"Haikei, Jigoku yori" was created by the same folks behind "Dai! Jigo Jigo Bushi"Jun "JxJx" Saito(サイトウ "JxJx" ジュン)and Gokusotsu Ongaku Renmei(獄卒音楽連盟...Devils Music Alliance). The premise behind the song seems to take on the feeling after a night of engorging eating and drinking during a typical enkai....something that I'd had personal experience with for many years. Yup, all of the emotions of satisfaction, shame and debauchery rolled up into one large ball.


  1. Hello J-Canuck,]

    Dat song!!

    Loved it! I read your previous article regarding this show but I wasn't really interested in it.

    However, after that song I decided to track down the series and found out that the first season is available on Crunchyroll.

    I'm am enjoying it so far. It has its laugh out loud moments. Although I still haven't heard a song that matches this one...yet. These type of mundane, almost salaryman-esque shows do appeal to me.

    European Satan: The Japanese run Hell like a business.

    I heard the the second season can be accessed through the most recent of (legal) anime sites: HIDIVE. Unfortunately, unlike Crunchyroll, HIDIVE is only available in the US.

    But they are selling the second season in the US via Sentai Filmworks.

    Meanwhile I'll spend the next few hours watching this anime.


    1. Hello, Chasing Showa.

      I've yet to see the first season of "Hoozuki no Reitetsu" so I may ask my buddy to get a copy for me. Now that I know the characters and the setting better, it's a bit more enjoyable for me. I'm just going with the flow.

      I also like the really dynamic ending theme by Sumire Uesaka so I will have to write about that one as well. Hopefully, a full version by Uesaka will get up on YouTube soon.


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.