Monday, December 3, 2018

Yui Murase -- Perfect Smile

The other day, I think I was talking about some songs that aren't specifically Xmas songs but would make for some nice listening while making up that Xmas lunch of Eggs Benedict (I was watching a cooking video on YouTube...maybe it was Gordon Ramsay).

Perhaps this song might fit. This is Yui Murase's(村瀬由衣)"Perfect Smile" which came out as a single and as a track on her 3rd self-titled album in June 1994. Yes, I realize about the spring/summer release but still, I think that it's happily jaunty so making that Hollandaise sauce on December 25th will go all the more smoothly.

This would never happen in any of my family Christmas gatherings but cocktails may be the thing for the Yuletide, and I think "Perfect Smile" is quite the well-blended musical libation. It's got a bit of AOR and Latin  and maybe even that hint of sophisticated pop to spice up the melody, and though it may not have done all that well on Oricon (don't know how it ranked). it's pretty nice to listen to. Eriko Imoto(井本えり子)took care of the lyrics while Akira Jimbo(神保彰)from Casiopea composed the music.

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