Thursday, January 17, 2019

Rumi Sakura -- Uwasa ni Naritai(噂になりたい)

Once again, we've come to the end of our broadcasting day, and so I will finish things off with one of those "here today, gone tomorrow" 80s aidorus that occupied the bottom 80% of the pyramid.

Rumi Sakura(佐倉瑠美)is an aidoru that I couldn't even find in a couple of 80s aidoru guides including the one whose photo you see right up at the top, and there is very scant information even on the Net. Therefore, I'm not even sure whether her single "Uwasa ni Naritai" (I Wanna Be Talked About) from November 1987 was indeed her debut single or a subsequent single since from what I read is that she apparently didn't stay an aidoru for too long before jumping over to variety programming.

"Uwasa ni Naritai" isn't to be mistaken for one of EPO's classic tunes with the same title (plus, EPO's song title had been written out all in hiragana). This particular song was written by Rieko Mihashi(三橋理恵子)and composed by Hisashi Miyaguchi(宮口久). It's bouncy enough (did like the guitar) and Sakura has a good enough voice but I don't think there was anything there to set her apart from the many other teenybopper singers of the time that were doing their thing. I was able to find a photo of the single cover, and I found that Sakura looked a fair bit like her fellow aidoru at the time, Miyuki Imori(井森美幸).

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