Sunday, February 17, 2019

Reimy -- Angel

We're in the middle of a fairly lovely Family Day weekend here in Canada. It's cold out there but not bone-shiveringly so and at least the sun is also out.

It will be nice to have something appropriately relaxing here so I'm providing Reimy's(麗美)"Angel". Been a while since I've had the Okinawan singer-songwriter represented, and whenever I listen to her after a period of time, it's always a breath of fresh air.

"Angel" was created and performed by Reimy and her arrangement reminds me of those late 80s and early 90s when some really solid female singer-songwriters were coming to the fore. This was her June 1989 single when she was pursuing a softer pop/AOR line in her music, and with that guitar, the synths and her voice, there is that sensation of heaven and earth getting a little bit closer in distance. I'm not sure whether "Angel" ever got onto an original studio album but it did get placed onto her 1993 "The Best Songs of Reimy".

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