Friday, April 19, 2019

Kirinji -- New Town(ニュータウン)

It's Good Friday here although meteorologically speaking, it's far from it. Rather cold, wet and dreary out there, but I hope that it is a better Friday wherever you're reading this.

About 6 weeks ago, I put up Kirinji's(キリンジ)"Jikan ga nai"(時間がない), their fun spacey disco single from 2018. Well, I'm now going back 20 years to the Horigome brothers' early days, represented by "New Town", a track on their very first album "Paper Drivers' Music"(ペイパードライヴァーズミュージック)from October 1998.

Written and composed by Takaki Horigome(堀込高樹), the setting is a rainy one but it doesn't seem to bother the couple (at least, not the guy anyways) as they take a romantic stroll in the New Town neighbourhood. I couldn't find out who arranged "New Town" but from the sounds of it (and they are indeed pleasant), I'm betting it was Tomita Lab(富田ラボ)! "Paper Drivers' Music" peaked at No. 99 on Oricon.

New towns used to describe the bedroom communities that rose up in the suburbs surrounding big cities like Tokyo while the economy was revving up. With those huge danchi concrete apartment buildings going up like some Brutalist fetishist's dream, the neighbourhoods didn't exactly amaze visitors visually, but nowadays the 21st-century versions have picked up a bit more style.

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