Friday, April 12, 2019

Maria Asahina -- Kokoro no Mama ni(心のままに)

I've sometimes wondered about the expression "Kokoro no Mama ni". If I'm not mistaken, it's been something that's been used in lyrics and song titles. According to my memory, the most notable example has been the title of one of Akiko Kobayashi's(小林明子)classics, and so I thought that I would be able to find the translation there since I did write about the album with the same title. Alas, I found out that Kobayashi's "Kokoro no Mama ni" had an English title slapped to it, "Morning Wish", so I never bothered coming up with a translation.

Well, I don't have a choice now since I have found another appealing song with the same title. "Kokoro no Mama ni" is a track on Maria Asahina's(朝比奈マリア)lone 1979 album "MARIA", and it's completely different from Kobayashi's soaring light pop song from the mid-1980s. This "Kokoro no Mama ni" is some happy disco music flying through the night sky over the city as the daughter of Izumi Yukimura(雪村いづみ)sings of love in the big city. Koichi Hoshino and Mitsumi Hasegawa(星野貢一・長谷川みつ美)were the lyricists while Takeshi Shima(嶋健)was the composer. Pretty good rendition, too, considering that Asahina was only around 17 when she recorded this.

If I were to translate the title, perhaps I can say "As My Heart Tells Me"? Anyways, for some more of that Maria Disco, you can also take a gander at "Disco Gal" (ディスコギャル)which was also her debut single and a track on "MARIA".

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