Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sonia Rosa -- Te Quero Tanto (I Love You, So)

Just on the cusp of July now and of course, Canada Day is tomorrow. As I write, thousands of people are happily and sleepily digesting tons of tasty spareribs during one of the major Ribfests in the GTA.

Recently on YouTube, I found this album by Brazilian chanteuse Sonia Rosa called "Samba Amour" from 1979. She already has representation on the blog thanks to her winning "Morning Coffee"(モーニング・コーヒー)from 1970. At first, I hadn't been sure whether this was actually more an album for her Brazilian fans, but then I saw a couple of the tracks such as "Natsu no Image" and "Tokyo In The Blue" and figured that it was probably also meant for Japanese audiences. Moreover according to her J-Wiki profile, "Samba Amour" is listed as her 4th album.

The first track is "Te Quero Tanto (I Love You, So)", and as much as it could provide images of enjoying that cocktail in some drinking establishment in Rosa's native São Paulo, I think it could also have adorned the atmosphere in some classy joint in Shinjuku back in the day that the album was released. I should further peruse the rest of the tracks.

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