Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Etsuko Sai -- Airport Dance

Ugh! One of those translation assignments that was a lot more than I bargained for, and I had to stop because I was completely tuckered out. Fortunately, I have until sunset tomorrow to get it done but at least I've told my manager that I'm gonna need help.

Anyways, allow me to get this City Pop number into the "Kayo Kyoku Plus" record books before I collapse tonight. Strangely enough, "Airport Dance" and Etsuko Sai(彩恵津子)sound quite Yuming-esque for some reason although the lyrics are by Sai herself with melody by Jin Kirigaya(桐ヶ谷 仁). It has those nighttime undulating Latin rhythms thrumming underneath the urban contemporary arrangement, and it certainly sounds like someone's having a dance ball right in the airport itself. Considering some of the sturm und drang that takes place at those places with cancellations and delays, having a dance floor in a terminal may not be a bad thing...if folks are in the mood.

"Airport Dance" is the first track from Sai's 4th original album "Passio" from October 1986. Nice strings in the song, by the way. Gives the place a touch of class.

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