Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Michiyo Nakajima -- Aki no Himawari(秋のひまわり)

Yes, it's a season too early for "Aki no Himawari" (Autumn Sunflowers) but hey, that's OK with me. I get to do my first Michiyo Nakajima(中嶋美智代)article for "Kayo Kyoku Plus" after Marcos V. has given his contributions to this 90s aidoru.

"Aki no Himawari" is the coupling song for Nakajima's 3rd single "Hatsukoi Doori"(初恋通り...Avenue of First Love). I think what got me to bookmark the song was that I liked the combination of piano and synths. That combination has been hitting the nostalgia nerves in my body when it comes to the late 1980s/early 1990s. Moreover, Nakajima's vocals just strike me as being prototypically aidoru: sweet, high and not always in tune.

Even though "Hatsukoi Doori/Aki no Himawari" was released in July 1991 (Nakajima debuted earlier that year), there is something very 1980s about the latter song especially. The song was composed by Takashi Tsushimi(都志見隆)and written by Megumi Ogura(小倉めぐみ)and it hit No. 13 on Oricon.

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