Thursday, August 8, 2019

JET LAG -- Everytime You Need

Almost a couple of months ago, I introduced the band JET LAG which had a four-year stint between 2000 and 2004. I liked the first song I heard by them "Back of my mind", the title song from their first mini-album released in 2000. It's quite the cafe-friendly tune with a certain sunny Shibuya-kei sort of feeling.

Now I give you another track from "Back of my mind", "Everytime You Need" which I think is more of a straight pop song although that indies vibe is still retained. Not quite as polished as the title track, it still has a good steady uptempo beat and the arrangement of "Everytime You Need" including the wah-wah guitar reminds me more of Original Love. And of course, the semi-joke here is that sole member Takao Tajima(田島貴男)has made it clear that Original Love hasn't embraced Shibuya-kei at all.

Although JET LAG has long been disbanded, I hope that the individual members have been finding continued success wherever they are.

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